Discover our sustainable and functional fibers

Fibers in pet food can have different purposes depending on the source. Our access to large fruit processing facilities provides us with high-value fruit fibers which are sourced from side-stream products. These sustainable fruit fibers contain well-balanced dietary fiber fractions with various functions, ranging from the improvement of gut motility to elaborate prebiotic, even systemic effects.

We like to take a close look at each of our fiber sources and characterise the benefits they can have for the animals’ individual needs.

Sunflower fiber

  • Sunflower fiber contains 98% of insoluble fiber and is an excellent alternative for cellulose or lignocellulose.

  • Sunflower fiber is a price-competitive alternative to cellulose and provides the same functionality in pet food.

  • Sunflower fiber is produced from milled sunflower seed hulls. Cellulose and lignocellulose, in comparison, are won from virgin raw materials. Our sunflower fiber is a valuable ingredient from a side-stream which would otherwise be discarded.

Apple fiber

  • Apple fiber is an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. The soluble fiber and pectin contained in apple fiber promote a healthy gut microbiome.

  • Apple fiber provides a well balanced combination of dietary fiber as well as beneficial plant bioactives such as quercetin.

  • Our apple fiber originates from Europe's largest apple processing plants. This ensures consistent top quality and a siginificant reduction of food waste by generating a high value product from a side-stream.

Pineapple fiber

  • Pineapple fiber is an excellent source of dietary fiber which beneftis the gut microbiome.

  • The dietary fiber in pineapple consists mainly of slowly fermentable fiber which especially benefits the microbes in the distal large intestine.

  • Using the large volumes of fiber-rich side-stream material from the production of pineapple juice is a big step towards minimzing food waste.