Privacy Policy

Viavet attaches great importance to the protecting your privacy. This privacy policy describes processing of personal data collected through our site or our online services, or more generally, as part of services we provide.

By using our site, you declare to accept this confidentiality policy together with the general conditions of use. In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of these and the privacy policy, the latter shall prevail.

  1. Collection and processing of personal data

    1. We collect personal data in the following reasons:

      1. Information that you freely decide to provide to us: To access our site, our services, in particular to place an enquiry, you must provide us with a certain amount of personal information, such as your name, e-mail address, phone number, etc.

      2. Information We Collect Automatically When You Use Our Site: beyond the data that you freely decide to provide us to access our services, we collect and use various information concerning your behavior on our site (the pages of our site that you have consulted, your browsing preferences, your history of orders, etc.). In addition, when you use, from our site, services offered by third-party companies (YouTube ™, Google Maps ™, Facebook ™, etc.), we draw your attention to the fact that said companies can also, through these services, collect personal data about you (your usage preferences, your location, etc.). Also, before using these services, we recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies of these third-party companies.

  2. Purposes of data processing

    1. We use the information that you freely decide to provide us with precisely to achieve the purposes for which you have provided it to us, such as interacting with our customer service, placing an enquiry, or using the site. We also reserve the right to use part or all of this information for other purposes, such as communicating with you, carrying out surveys or recommending our services and services (or the services of our partners) that could interest you.

    2. Regarding the information relating to your behavior on the site that we collect automatically, we use it in order to improve and personalize our services, in order to better meet your expectations.

  3. Cookies, tracking and other technologies related to the use of our site

    1. On our sites, we use “cookies” and other similar techniques to identify your device or browser. A cookie is a small file that is sent to your computer, or even saved automatically on your computer or mobile device, by the web browser you use when you visit our site.

    2. In particular, we use different types of cookies, including the following:

      1. Strictly necessary cookies that allow you to browse our site. These cookies are necessary for the operation of our site and cannot be disabled in our systems. You can set your browser to alert you to the presence of these cookies or to block them, but in this case some parts of the site may not work.

      2. Marketing and targeting cookies, which adapt the visible advertisements on our site according to your browsing activities and the location from which you access it, and also allow a visit or one of your activities to be linked to an advertisement previously presented. These cookies may be placed on our site by our advertising partners or other third-party companies (eg Google Ads, Mailchimp, Pixel, etc.). If you do not allow these cookies, the advertising shown to you will be less targeted.

      3. Social media cookies. These cookies are set by a series of social media services that we have added to the site to allow you to share our content with your friends and networks (eg Facebook, Bing, etc.). They can track your browser on other sites and build a profile of your interests. This can affect the content and messages you see on other websites when you visit them. If you do not accept these cookies, you may not be able to see or use these sharing tools.

    3. With the exception of the session cookie, the cookies we use cannot be linked to a specific person. When activating a cookie, an identification number is assigned to the respective cookie. It is not possible to link your personal data with this identification number. At no time does a recording of your name or other similar data allowing a relationship between the cookies and you take place. Thanks to cookie technology, we only obtain anonymous information that tells us, for example, which pages of our site have been visited.

    4. Cookies can be stored on your browser or on your computer’s hard drive for as long as you keep this browser active, for session cookies, or for longer for persistent cookies. Thus, in addition to cookies that are used only during a session and that are deleted after you have visited the site, cookies that allow user settings and other information to be saved for a certain time (in principle until to three years) can also be used. However, you can configure your browser in such a way that it refuses cookies, saves them only for one session or deletes them early. Most browsers are preconfigured to accept cookies. We use persistent cookies to better understand how you use our offers and content. When you deactivate cookies, some functions may no longer work properly.

    5. In our newsletters and other marketing emails, we integrate, to the extent permitted, visible and invisible image elements that allow us to determine if and when you opened the email so that we can, in this case also, measure and better understand how you use our offers and tailor them to your needs. You have the option of blocking this process in your email program.

    6. By using our sites and consenting to receive newsletters and other marketing emails, you agree to the use of these techniques. If you don’t want this, you need to set up your email program or server accordingly.

    7. We also use Google Analytics on our sites. This is a third-party service that can be located in any country in the world (in the case of Google Analytics, this is Google LLC in the United States, through which we can measure and evaluate the use of the site (based on non-personal information). For this purpose, permanent cookies created by the service provider are also used. We do not share any personal data with the service provider (who does not keep an IP address), but the latter can track your use of the site, combine this information with data from other internet pages that you have visited and which it also tracks, and use this information for personal purposes (eg advertising management). If you are registered with the service provider, they also know you. The processing of your personal data by the service provider is therefore its responsibility in accordance with its privacy policy.

    8. We also use social media plugins such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn on our sites. You can generally visualize them with the corresponding symbols. If you activate them (by clicking on them), the data concerning your visit to our site will be transmitted to the operator of the social network, which can use them for its own needs. The processing of your personal data is then the responsibility of this operator in accordance with its confidentiality policy. It does not send us any information about you.

  4. Data transmission to third parties

    1. Your personal data is not transmitted, sold or transferred to third parties outside the Viavet group in any other way, except (i) if this is necessary to achieve the purposes for which you have freely transmitted them to us (p. e.g. in the event of ordering a product with a third party partner, the information required for the proper execution of the order) (ii) if you have previously consented, (iii) when the law or a court injunction requires it. requires or (iv) in the event of the sale of our business.

    2. The recipients of this data are partly in Germany, but may be abroad. If we transmit data to a country that does not offer adequate legal data protection, we ensure an appropriate level of protection through corresponding contracts. You can ask us for information on these contractual guarantees at any time at the address indicated in ch. 9. We reserve the right, however, to ask you to identify yourself, to shade out the copies issued for reasons of data protection or confidentiality, to provide only extracts or to refuse any unfounded request.

  5. Retention period of personal data

    1. We process and store your personal data for as long as necessary for the performance of our contractual and legal obligations or for the purposes pursued by the processing, that is to say, for example, for the duration of a relationship commercial (preparation, execution and termination of a contract) and beyond this period in accordance with legal storage and documentation obligations. We may retain personal data for the period during which claims can be made against us and because we are required to do so by law or by legitimate business interests (e.g. for evidentiary or legal purposes). documentation).

  6. Data security

    1. We take appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access or misuse. Our systems are rigorously tested and have been developed with up to date encryption software. When we transmit highly confidential information over the Internet, we protect it through the use of encryption, namely the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

  7. Profiling and automated decision making

    1. We segment customer data solely on the basis of information collected while browsing the Site and with the aim of providing personalized offers.

  8. Rights of the data subject

    1. Within the framework of the applicable data protection law and to the extent that its provisions provide for it, you have a right to information, the rights to rectification, erasure, limitation of the processing of your data, as well as to object to our processing your data.

    2. The exercise of such rights requires in principle that you justify your identity in a clear way (eg by means of a copy of your identity card if your identity is not clear or cannot be verified otherwise).

  9. Contact

    1. Viavet customer service is happy to help you with your data protection. You can communicate to us any questions relating to our privacy policy and assert your rights by contacting us at the following address: ViaVet GmbH, Riedstraße 7-9, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany| Email:

  10. Amendments

    1. We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time without notice. The valid version is the one currently published on our site. When it appears indicated, we will inform you by email or by any other appropriate means of the update of this declaration.